2 ladies images showing before and after buccal fat removal results

Buccal Fat Removal Before and After : A New You

In the quest for enhancing facial beauty and achieving a more defined look, many individuals consider buccal fat removal as an option. This cosmetic procedure has gained significant popularity over the years, promising remarkable transformations. If you’re curious about the process, its outcomes, and what to expect before and after buccal fat removal, you’re in the right place.

This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide, offering insights into the procedure, recovery, and before-and-after changes.

Understanding Buccal Fat Removal

Before discussing before and after aspects, it’s essential to understand what buccal fat removal really is. Also known as cheek reduction surgery, this procedure involves the removal of excess fat from the cheeks, creating a more sculpted facial appearance. It’s important to note that buccal fat removal is a surgical process and should be performed by qualified professionals in a clinical setting.

Who Should Think About Reducing Buccal Fat?

Buccal fat reduction can be a good choice for people who have chubby cheeks because of how their face is naturally shaped, not because they are overweight. If you wish to have a more defined face, this procedure might be something you’d think about. It’s important to know that this surgery doesn’t aim for perfection but enhances your natural features. So, if you’re considering it, keep your expectations real!

Also, it’s best for people who are in good health and don’t have any health problems that could cause issues during or after the surgery. If you’re looking for a long-term solution and want to maintain a slimmer face, this procedure can provide permanent results.

Before making any decisions, make sure to talk to a skilled surgeon. They’ll look at your face, discuss your goals, and figure out the best way to help you. Just remember, doing your research and talking to the right surgeon is super important before going for any kind of surgery!

Buccal Fat Removal Methods

Buccal fat removal is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance facial contours by reducing excess fat in the cheeks. There are two primary methods used for this surgery:

Traditional Buccal Fat Removal

In this method, a small dissection is made inside the mouth, allowing the surgeon to access the buccal fat pad. The excess fat is carefully removed, molding the desired facial shape. The incision is then stitched up, leaving no visible external scars.

Microcannula Buccal Fat Removal

Microcannula buccal fat removal is a minimally invasive (less dissection or cuts) technique. Instead of a large incision, tiny dissections are made inside the mouth. A microcannula, a thin tube, is inserted through these dissections to remove the excess fat. This method reduces trauma to the tissues, leading to quicker recovery and minimal discomfort.

Both methods are performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, allowing patients to return home on the same day. The choice of method depends on the patient’s specific needs and the surgeon’s recommendation.

Before the Procedure

Before undergoing buccal fat removal, patients typically consult with a certified plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon evaluates the patient’s facial structure and discusses their goals and expectations. A detailed examination ensures that the procedure is tailored to the individual’s unique facial anatomy.

Patients are advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle leading up to the surgery. This includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and abstaining from smoking and alcohol, which can impact the body’s ability to heal effectively.

After the Procedure

The recovery period after buccal fat removal is crucial for achieving optimal results. Patients are advised to follow post-operative care instructions provided by their surgeon diligently. This may include pain management, dietary restrictions, and avoiding strenuous activities for a specified period.

Buccal Fat Removal Before and After: The Transformation

The most exciting part of the buccal fat removal journey is witnessing the transformation (outcome of surgery). Before the buccal surgery, individuals often have round or chubby cheeks, which might give a softer, less defined facial contour. After the buccal fat removal and the recovery period, patients notice a significant change in their facial appearance.

Cheeks appear slimmer and more sculpted, enhancing the natural profile of the face. The removal of excess fat provides a less obvious yet impactful change, contributing to a more refined and balanced facial structure. Many patients report improved self-confidence and a more youthful appearance, making the procedure well worth the investment.

Pros and Cons of Buccal Fat Extraction

Buccal fat removal comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding both is essential for making an informed decision.


1. Buccal fat extraction offers a slimmer and more sculpted facial appearance, enhancing natural features and creating a balanced look.

2. Once the excess fat is removed, it does not grow back, providing long-lasting results and a permanent solution to chubby cheeks.

3. The surgery is typically performed through small incisions (cuts) inside the mouth, leaving no visible external scars, ensuring a discreet procedure.

4. Buccal fat extraction is usually performed as an outpatient procedure, allowing patients to return home on the same day of the surgery.

5. Many patients experience increased self-confidence and a positive body image after achieving their desired facial contours.


1. As with any surgical procedure, buccal fat removal carries risks, including infection, bleeding, or adverse reactions to anesthesia.

2. While the permanency of the results can be an advantage, it can also be a drawback if a patient is dissatisfied with the outcome.

3. Patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort during the recovery period, necessitating downtime from daily activities.

4. Cosmetic surgery can be expensive, and buccal fat extraction is no exception. Cost considerations might be a limiting factor for some individuals.

5. Buccal fat extraction might not be suitable for individuals with certain health conditions or those who have unrealistic expectations about the results.

Considerations and Conclusion

While buccal fat removal can undoubtedly enhance facial look, it’s necessary for individuals to have realistic expectations. Consulting with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is highly important to understand the potential outcomes and ensuring the procedure aligns with your goals.

In conclusion, buccal fat removal offers a transformative journey, sculpting the face and boosting self-confidence. By choosing a skilled surgeon and following the recommended guidelines, individuals can achieve remarkable results.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, buccal fat removal provides permanent results. Once the excess fat is removed, it does not grow back, ensuring a long-lasting transformation.

The procedure typically takes a few hours and is often performed under local anesthesia, allowing the patient to remain awake during the surgery.

While rare, risks include temporary swelling (usually lasting about two weeks), and the potential for bruising and infection. Consulting with a skilled surgeon minimizes these risks significantly.

Buccal fat removal results in a slimmer face, highlighting natural contours, reducing chubby cheeks, and often boosting self-esteem. It can create a more youthful and lifted appearance.

Buccal fat removal is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance facial look by removing excess fat from the cheeks. It involves making small incisions inside the mouth, allowing surgeons to sculpt the face and create a slimmer appearance.

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